
Published on:

21st May 2021

15: Matt Sharpe: Engineer to Data Scientist to Data Engineer - May 20, 2021

Interview I did with Matt Sharp, current data engineer at MX and data LinkedIn personality. We talk about Matt’s journey from chemical engineering to working at Intel Micron and becoming a data scientist, and finally switching into FinTech and becoming a data engineer. We talk about the difference between small companies and big companies and the pros and cons of each. We talk about what data engineering even is, the importance of projects, how LinkedIn can be used to be an intrepreneur and networking within your company, and more!

Connect with Matthew on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matthew-sharp-813b1846/

Subscribe on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuyfszBAd3gUt9vAbC1dfqA

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Data Career Podcast: Helping You Land a Data Analyst Job FAST
The Data Career Podcast: helping you break into data analytics, build your data career, and develop a personal brand

About your host

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Avery Smith

Avery Smith is the host of The Data Career Podcast & founder of Data Career Jumpstart, an online platform dedicated to helping individuals transition into and advance within the data analytics field. After studying chemical engineering in college, Avery pivoted his career into data, and later earned a Masters in Data Analytics from Georgia Tech. He’s worked as a data analyst, data engineer, and data scientist for companies like Vaporsens, ExxonMobil, Harley Davidson, MIT, and the Utah Jazz. Avery lives in the mountains of Utah where he enjoys running, skiing, & hiking with his wife, dog, and new born baby.