12: Engineering -> Data Science with Thom Ives
The first official interview of the data career podcast! It was right after out launch party for the podcast and it was with the awesome. Thom Ives was our guest. Be sure to follow him on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomives/. Total stud. Love the guy. Seriously so nice. We talked about his long career in data and his transition from engineering to data science.
That is the way to become a data scientist, you do data science before the role is ever assigned you. Don’t forget that.
I do want to also apologize for my tech issues on this episode. I somehow unplugged my nice mic for my audio, and my headphones weren’t working to listen to Thom’s. That being said this audio is NOT the best. I am super sorry.
There's also a giveaway going on for the pod, all you need to do is rate and review on Apple Podcasts.
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